466 приглашений

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Михаил Винничук
Happy Birthday James!!! We are waiting for you in Ukraine!!!
Mary Poloz
Happy Birthday James! I hope and pray this is the best birthday yet:) May you have many,many,many more successful years to come. Add a huge dose of happiness to.., Thanks for your music! it rocks… You are the best of the best of the best!! Love you :)
Аня Дыгало
Джеймс!С 50-ти летием тебя!Здоровья,вдохновения! С нетерпением ждем твоих концертов в Украине!
Славик Гончар
Ребята, приезжайте снова! Я уверен что вы просто взорвете сцену, и толпу!
Алексей Гутниченко
Звуки, которые закаляют души. Дядьки, которые создали лучшую часть рока. Рифы, воспитавшие не одно поколение музыкальных людей. Спасибо, Metallica!
Roman Semenchuk
James, Happy B-Day! You one of the greatest man on earth for me and millions like me. I hope that one day i'll can play with metallica on one stage. Stay Metal \m/
Ігорко Горбенко
Hi! I'm really excited in so great movement in Ukraine. I am one of the waiters for a great show in Ukraine and hope, it'll be yours !! "Metallica Throw the Never" was fully incredible... But we all are waiting for a possibility to enjoy your playing in a real life... A new generation of your fans had already grew up to visit the concert. And I'm sure there will be everyone, form children to aged.
Анастасия Карабульская
Найщиріші вітання, та з нетерпінням чекаємо в Україні!
Александра Мирочник
Guys, we're so fucking waiting for you to come!
Serge Pavlenko
Dear Metallica. I'm listening to your music since early 90s. Its more that 20 years already. I did not do anything for such a long period. Please come to Ukraine - you are really waited here.