466 приглашений

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Denis Satanovsky
Happy Birthday, James! I want to wish all the best! You're a man with a huge mental institution and amazing talent, I'm sure you get almost anything you want from this life, but I want you to not stop there! Come on! You deserve to be on the highest peak! You're the best! PS Ukrainian fans love and are waiting for you!
Святослав Шматко
Great Rock, classic rock! We are waiting for you.
Андрій Акімов
Вітання з України!!!Вітаю тебе ,Джеймсе, з 50 роками!Дуже хочется побачити вас в Україні,а особливо у Дніпропетровську!Так що приїжджайте по скоріше.Тут багато ваших фанатів!!!!
Боря Горенштейн
Hey, Metal Gods,we want to show u how important your band is for us Come to Kiev and get our love fully \m/
Dimon Zaboyev
heavy b-day dear James! we wait for you in Kiev! \m/
Ivan Solskiy
hi! I am 26, from 4 class my classmates and I had dreamed to see live only one music band wich was their icon of rock - Metallica. Only one of us made his dream came true. Please, give as a chance to get together with all our classmates on your concert in Ukraine. "Take a look to the sky just before you die It's the last time YOU will...." To see metallica live concert and - die! sincerely yours Ivan. Ukraine, Lviv
Dashutka Lapchenko
З Днём Рождения, Джеймс! Уверенна, у Вас и так всё есть в жизни, но здоровье никогда лишним не будет! Да чуть не забыла, и лишняии 10000 тысячь фанов из Украины тоже не помешают! Так что приезжайте, мы Вас очень ждём!!!
Дмитрий Фролов
Hey guys. For a few years after i started listen to your music I wondered: Why Metallica do not come to Ukraine? Yes, there was 1999. But still, you have a lot of fans here and they wanted to see you - one of the greatest rock bands in the world. We really hope that this day will come :)
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С Днюхой!Всего самого наилучшего!
Виктория Якимчук
So close no matter how far Couldn't be much more from the heart Forever trusting who we are And nothing else matters